1. Arto Lindsay - "Livestream for ESS"
2. Amyl & The Sniffers - "Control"
3. The Panik - "Modern Politics"
5. Gang Starr - "DWYCK feat. Nice, Smooth"
6. Yaeji - "IN THE MIRROR"
7. Yves Tumor - "Dream Palette"
8. Slift - "Ummon"
9. RMP - "4'33'"
10. Einsturzende Neubauten - "Ten Grand Goldie"
11. Fugazi - "Waiting Room" (Ohio Mix)
12. Protomartyr - "Processed by the Boys"
13. Opian - "Opalescent Sands"
14. Jasper Lotti - "Sword"
15. Los Cadetes De Linares - "Palomito"
16. Herbie Hancock - "Watermelon Man"
Well, I imagine a lot of people are pretty upset with Bernie Sanders now. He's gone ahead and played along with the game of politics the way he did in 2016 when he endorsed Hillary Clinton after being denied the Democratic nomination by the DNC - that time. You could argue that it's a long-game move, he's still a state senator after all, and if he wants to expect any kind of cooperation on the legislative floor, he has to play ball in some way. It doesn't make it any less disappointing to see though. The 'movement' he built over the last 5 years has lit a fire under people's butts to engage the political systems of the United States. Hot enough to get them into the streets? Perhaps not just yet, especially considering our need to stay home to curb community spread of COVID-19. Even the cops are involved now. We'll see how things unfold as the election draws near. People want mail-in ballots so they can vote from home - a sensible thing to want, if you ask me - and the Trump administration is refusing to bail out the post office. If the foul play isn't apparent to you by this point, I don't know what to say to you. Both candidates in the presidential election are alleged rapists. Thousands upon thousands are dying of a respiratory illness due to a complete neglect for the country's medical infrastructure. This is America 2020.

Keep an eye out on the Universal Punk instagram (@_punk) for our new Instagram Lives performance series! We're going to feature one performer from the RGV (and eventually beyond) once every Saturday evening at 7pm starting this weekend - with yours truly! Every artist will be able to raise funds for either themselves or a charity of their choosing during their performance! We're booked up until July now! Wild stuff!
I know I said "DJ" Guru, when I meant to say MC Guru. RIP Guru. To watch the beat battle between DJ Premier and RZA, look no further:
Lastly, our series of call-in episodes featuring community members sharing their stories about how COVID-19 has affected their lives in the RGV will begin airing next week!
See you then.
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